Note: What is “evil” is often defined by a specific belief system. This page was created as a study of how different religions of the world personify “evil.” Throughout this section, you’ll find lists of demon names and descriptions of different demons, devils, monsters, and evil spirits. And in some belief systems, they are evil spirits that can cause misfortune, destruction, illness, and death because of a chance encounter.In some cultures, demons may be forces of nature like hurricanes that can kill people and livestock and destroy villages and crops.Underworld and fertility deities can be vengeful if certain rites and rituals aren’t followed and may cause the next year’s harvest to be meager.A chaos monster might attempt to overthrow the general order of the gods and upset the balance of the cosmos.In ancient cultures, demons were thought to be the cause of illness, epilepsy, and other diseases.Virtually all religions & cultures have various supernatural spirits that are considered malevolent or even evil.
Database of Demons, Evil Spirits, and Monsters